MISCELLANEOUS: the best of ...
1. MAN AND BEES, 2001 Essays of Milan Ferko (a bee-keeper enthusiast) about bees and people
2. A ROYAL REVENGE, 2005 About political murders and mysterious deaths throughout history.
3. SVATOPLUK , 2013 Historical drama from Great Moravia 9th century, 3rd edition
with new book issue of the children book ŠALABINGO , second edition.
ANNIVERSARY PRESENTATIONS ON BRATISLAVA BOOK FAIR AND IN LITERATUE MAGAZINE SLOVAK VIEWS in Autumn 2019 /number 12 in December, four articles about Milan Ferko and with him self / and special program in Slovak Radio Broadcasting /DEVIN/ in March 202O.
- TV programs with Milan Ferkos films. In June Slovak movie "If I had a gun" and in July 2020 TV productions St. Methodius & St.Konstantine, part one and two.
2021- March, TV program "On wiremakers path" in 4 parths in Slovak TV channel 3
2022- July, Art radio channel DEVIN broadcasted one hour program dedicated to memories of Milan FERKO´s acievements and memories by author Ľuba Šajdova. 2022- August, during first two weeks Slovak State RTVS TV 3 channel broadcasts a four- parts dramatization of novel from year 1980 WEDDING WITHOUT A BRIDE directed by Pavol HASPRA.
2024- New articles to Milan FERKO´s anniversary on website: www.noveslovo.eu, : https://noveslovo.eu/domov/milan-ferko-a-dedicstvo-solunskych-bratov/ &